Today, Friday, 28th June 2024, Honourable Members gathered in the Chambers of the National Assembly Building in Belmopan for a Sitting of the House of Representatives. The meeting began at 10:26 A.M. with the Belizean National Prayer offered by Pastor Francis Celestine.


Following prayers, the Honourable Speaker Woods made an announcement on a couple of matters. The first recognized members of the disability community present in the galleries as well as Special Envoy, Her Excellency Rossana Briceño, who is leading the group from the community. Second, the Honourable Speaker recognized members from the sign community who are assisting with the live streaming of the meeting to ensure those who need sign language also witness what is taking place in the meeting today. Next, the Honourable Speaker disclosed that she was contacted by the Leader of the Opposition regarding a concern for the late notice of today’s meeting. The record reflected the Honourable Speaker’s response to the official complaint letter as well as the provisions in the Standing Orders for the House of Representatives. The Honourable Speaker closed the announcements by acknowledging that the National Assembly Staff Committee received the acceptance of resignation from Her Excellency, Governor General Froyla Tzalam, of the Clerk of Parliament, Mr. Eddie Webster.


After the announcements, a Paper, No. HR251A/1/13 – Public Utilities Commission (Request for Proposals) Regulations, 2024, was presented and ordered to be laid on the Table by the Honourable Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics and E-Governance.


Next, the following FOUR (4) Reports were presented and ordered to lie on the Table:

No. HR252/1/13 –       Report from the Finance and Economic Development Committee on the Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2024.

 No. HR253/1/13 –       Report from the Finance and Economic Development Committee on the Southern Deep Port Development Facility Bill, 2024.

 No. HR254/1/13 –       Report from the Public Service, Labour, Industry and Trade Committee on the Disabilities Bill, 2024

 No. HR255/1/13 –       Report from the Public Service, Labour, Industry and Trade Committee on the Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill, 2024


The Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, Investment, Blue Economy, Civil Aviation and Immigration introduced TWO (2) Bills as follows:

  1. Fiscal Incentives (Amendment) Bill, 2024; and
  2. National Security Council Bill, 2024.


The Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment and the Honourable Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries both rose to introduce the following THREE (3) Motions, respectively:

  1.  Inter-American Development Bank – Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development Program – (US$10 Million) Loan Motion, 2024.
  2. Inter-American Development Bank – Improving Efficiency, Quality, and Access in Belize’s Health System – (US$14 Million) Loan Motion, 2024.
  3.  Resolution Extending the Proclamation Declaring a State of Public Emergency in Certain Parts of Belize City and Certain Parts of the Cayo District Motion, 2024.


The Sitting was briefly suspended to allow the respective Standing Committees to conduct their business. After resuming, the following Reports were presented and ordered to be laid on the Table:

No. HR256/1/13          –         Report from the Finance and Economic Development Committee on the Fiscal Incentives (Amendment) Bill, 2024.

 No. HR257/1/13          –         Report from the Finance and Economic Development Committee on the Inter-American Development Bank – Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development Program – (US$10 Million) Loan Motion, 2024.

 No. HR258/1/13          –         Report from the Finance and Economic Development Committee on the Inter-American Development Bank – Improving Efficiency, Quality, and Access in Belize’s Health System – (US$14 Million) Loan Motion, 2024.

 No. HR259/1/13          –         Report from the National Security and Immigration Committee on the Resolution Extending the Proclamation Declaring a State of Public Emergency in Certain Parts of Belize City and Certain Parts of the Cayo District, Motion, 2024.


All THREE (3) Motions were approved at today’s Sitting of the House of Representatives.

A total of FOUR (4) Bills were listed for Second Reading as follows:

  1. Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2024;
  2. Disabilities Bill, 2024;
  3. Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill, 2024; and
  4. Southern Deep Port Development Facility Bill, 2024.


Of the SIX (6) Bills discussed at today’s Sitting of the House of Representatives, FIVE (5) were passed. The following THREE (3) Bills were passed without amendment:

  1. Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2024;
  2. Disabilities Bill, 2024; and
  3. Fiscal Incentives (Amendment) Bill, 2024.


The following TWO (2) Bills were passed with amendments:

  1. Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill, 2024;
  2. Southern Deep Port Development Facility Bill, 2024.


Before moving the adjournment of the meeting, the Honourable Speaker Woods invited the Honourable Prime Minister to join her in acknowledging the Clerk for his years of Service to the National Assembly.

This summarizes the events of this Sitting of the House of Representatives with the meeting adjourning at 2:21 P.M.


For further information on the Orders of the Day, please see the links below:


For access to the Draft Bills introduced, please see the link below:


For access to the broadcast of the Sitting, kindly see the link below: