On, Thursday, 16th May 2024 the National Assembly of Belize welcomed students from Gulisi Community Primary School in Dangriga Town and Big Falls R.C. School from the Toledo District.

Gulisi Community Primary School came with a group of around 70 students from Grades 2, 3, & 4 in the company of 9 staff members and parents, meanwhile, Big Falls R.C. School came with a small group of approximately 30 students from Grades 6, in the company of 5 staff members where they both sat in the Public Galleries where they received a presentation on the functions of the Legislative Branch of Government by the Senior Clerk Assistant and a Parliamentary Officer.

The students got a chance to view the Chambers along with the artifacts inside, learn about the main functions of the National Assembly, and hear the process by which legislation is passed. The students were thoroughly engaged and attentive in vigorous discussions throughout the presentation. The National Assembly was honoured to have them for a visit.

For information on scheduling a visit, please contact us at 501-822-2141 or clerkna@bna.gov.bz