“Hon. Laura Tucker Longsworth, Speaker of the House of Representatives, chaired a virtual FOPREL’s Inter-parliamentary Committee on Education and Health today, 27 August 2020. FOPREL is the Forum of Speakers/Presidents of National Parliaments/Legislative Assemblies/Congresses of Central America and the Caribbean Basin.
The meeting was held under the theme “The impacts of COVID-19 on children and the challenges posed in the exercise of the Right to Education”, and had the participation of Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, and the Hon. Darrell Bradley, President of the Senate, as members of the Committee.
The member countries of FOPREL that participated included Mexico, Honduras, Panama, El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic. Technical and financial support was provided by CECC-SICA, UNESCO, Save The Children and the Ministry of Education.”