Today, January 19, 2017, was the first Senate Special Sitting  for the new year 2017. At the commencement of today’s Sitting, the Honourable Michael Peyrefitte, Attorney General, was sworn in as a new Senator replacing the former Senator/Attorney General, Vanessa Retreage.

As the meeting proceeded and the Leader of Government Business moved that at its rising today the Senate adjourn to a date to be fixed by the President, a Motion was raised and moved by Senator Eamon Courtenay, asking for an amendment to be made to the Leader of Government Business’s Motion,  that the Meeting be adjourned until the 13th Senator of the Non Governmental Organization Community, Osmany Salas has been appointed and can be sworn in and be present at the following Sitting. However, in accordance to Standing Order of the Senate 9 (2), Mr. resident ruled that the Motion was out of order. (See Below for S.O 9 (2))

9- (2)   If at any time when the Senate stands adjourned pursuant to its own order it is represented to the President by a Minister or the Senator responsible for Government Business that there is urgent necessity for the Senate to meet upon a day earlier than the day to which the Senate stands adjourned, the President may, if he is satisfied that such urgent necessity exists, direct the Clerk to summon a meeting of the Senate for such time on such day, whether Tuesday or otherwise, as the President may determine.

At the end, 1 Motion and 8 Bills were passed. They are:


  1. Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) US$25,000,000 Loan Motion, 2017.


  1. Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (Amendment) Bill, 2016;
  2. Private Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2016;
  3. Referendum (Amendment) Bill, 2016;
  4. Non-Governmental Organisations (Amendment) Bill, 2016;
  5. Land Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2017;
  6. Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Bill, 2017;
  7. Registered Land (Amendment) Bill, 2017; and
  8. National Lands (Amendment) Bill, 2017.

The Special Sitting of the Senate began at 10:05 A.M. in the Chamber of the National Assembly Building and was was adjourned at 2:10 P.M.