Today, Friday, 13th September 2024, Honourable Members gathered in the Chambers of the National Assembly Building in Belmopan for a Sitting of the House of Representatives. The meeting began at 10:17 A.M. with the Belizean National Prayer offered by Mrs. Margaret McGaan.

Following prayers, the Honourable Member for Toledo East, Dr. Osmond Martinez, subscribed to the Oath of Allegiance as the newly elected Member for the constituency.

In her announcement, the Honourable Speaker Woods welcomed Members to the first Sitting of the House in its temporary location, acknowledged all the collaborative bodies that made great efforts to make the temporary relocation of the National Assembly a success, thanked the necessary staff who went above and beyond to ensure this relocation exercise transition is as smooth as possible.

From here on, the Honourable Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour, and Local Government moved that the amendments to the Trade Licensing Bill, 2022, as approved by the Senate, be considered by the House of Representatives.

Afterwards, the Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, Investment, Civil Aviation, and Immigration presented FOUR (4) Sessional Papers which were ordered to be laid on the Table:

  1. HR262/1/13 – Central Bank of Belize – Forty-Second Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for the Year Ending 31st December 2023.
  2.  HR262A/1/13 – Central Bank of Belize – Revised Estimates of Income and Expenditure for the year 2024.
  3.  HR263/1/13 – The Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Contractor General for the period April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024.
  4.  HR264/1/13 – The Twenty-First Annual Report of the Ombudsman of Belize for the period January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.

Next, the Honourable Minister of Infrastructure, Development, and Housing presented Sessional Paper No. HR264A/1/13 – Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing – Civil Works Contract Agreement – Thomas Vincent Ramos Highway Upgrading Project (Mile 6 Hummingbird Highway to Hopkins Junction), which was ordered to be laid on the Table.

Then, the Honourable Minister of Youth, Sports and Transport presented Sessional Paper No. HR265/1/13 – Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations, 2024, which was ordered to be laid on the Table.

Lastly, the Honourable Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics and E-Governance presented Sessional Paper No. HR266/1/13 – Electricity (Tariffs, Fees and Charges) (Amendment) (No.2) Byelaws, 2024, which was ordered to be laid on the Table.

Following the presentation of Sessional Papers, the Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, Investment, Civil Aviation and Immigration introduced TWO (2) Bills as follows:

  1. Customs and Excise Duties (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2024; and
  2. Movable Property Security Rights Bill, 2024.

Next, the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Education, Culture, Science and Technology introduced the following TWO (2) Bills:

  1. Criminal Records (Rehabilitation of Offenders) (Amendment) Bill, 2024; and
  2. Global Fund Privileges and Immunities Bill, 2024.

Lastly, with the Honourable Speaker’s permission, the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Education, Culture, Science and Technology introduced the Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 2024, which resulted in a total of FIVE (5) Bills being introduced at this Sitting of the House of Representatives.

Subsequent to the introduction of Bills, the Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, Investment, Civil Aviation, and Immigration introduced the Resolution to Celebrate 35 Years of Diplomatic Ties with Democratic Taiwan Motion, 2024 which was then debated by Members of the House.

The Sitting of the House of Representatives was briefly suspended to allow the Constitution and Foreign Affairs Committee to meet and conduct its business. After resuming, the Report, No. HR267/1/13 – Report from the Constitution and Foreign Affairs Committee on the Resolution to Celebrate 35 Years of Diplomatic Ties with Democratic Taiwan Motion, 2024, was presented and ordered to be laid on the Table.

Before the House approved the Resolution to Celebrate 35 Years of Diplomatic Ties with Democratic Taiwan Motion, 2024, a division was called with the results as follows:

  • 25 Yes
  • 5 Absent; and
  • 1 Abstain.

Hereafter, several Honourable Members of the House rose to speak on numerous matters of national importance. At the adjournment of the meeting, the Honourable Prime Minister wished the nation a happy and safe September celebrations.

For more information on the matters discussed before the adjournment, kindly refer to the live broadcast of the Sitting*


This summarizes the events of this Sitting of the House of Representatives with the meeting adjourning at 1:50 P.M.


For further information on the Orders of the Day, please see the links below:


For access to the Draft Bills introduced, please see the link below:


For access to the broadcast of the Sitting, kindly see the link below: